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import "@wraith-works/contracts/tokens/ERC721/MintableERC721.sol";

The MintableERC721 provides a multi-stage mintable version of AutoIncrementERC721.

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function addMintStage(
    uint256 _price,
    uint256 _maxPerWallet,
    uint256 _maxPerMint,
    bytes32 _merkleRoot
) public onlyOwner returns (uint256)
  • Add a new mint stage.
  • _price: The price of this mint stage.
  • _maxPerWallet: Maximum mints per wallet.
  • _maxPerMint: Maximum mints per mint function call.
  • _merkleRoot: The merkle root for this mint stage. Set to 0x0 for an open mint.
  • Returns the index of the added mint stage.
function removeMintStage(uint256 _idx) public onlyOwner
  • Remove the mint stage at the given index. Resets the active mint stage and sets the mint to inactive.
  • _idx: The index of the mint stage.
function updateMintStagePricing(uint256 _idx, uint256 _price) public onlyOwner
  • Update the mint stage price.
  • _idx: The index of the mint stage.
  • _price: The price of the mint.
function updateMintStageMaxPer(uint256 _idx, uint256 _maxPerWallet, uint256 _maxPerMint) public onlyOwner
  • Update the mint stage max per wallet, and max per mint.
  • _idx: The index of the mint stage.
  • _maxPerWallet: Max mints per wallet.
  • _maxPerMint: Max mints per mint function call.
function updateMintStageMerkleRoot(uint256 _idx, bytes32 _merkleRoot) public onlyOwner
  • Update the mint stage merkle root.
  • _idx: The index of the mint stage.
  • _merkleRoot: The merkle root. Set to 0x0 for an open mint.
function setMintActive(bool _mintActive) public onlyOwner
  • Set mint to active or inactive.
  • _mintActive: True for active, false for inactive.
function setActiveMintStage(uint256 _idx) public onlyOwner
  • Set active mint stage index.
  • _idx: The index of the active mint stage.
function setPaymentToken(address _paymentToken) public onlyOwner
  • Set the payment token address. Set to address(0) for native token payments.
  • _paymentToken: Payment token address.
function withdrawAllNative() external onlyOwner
  • Withdraw all native tokens to the owner.
function withdrawAllTokens(address _tokenAddress) external onlyOwner
  • Withdraws all specified tokens to the owner.
  • _tokenAddress: Address of the token.
function maximumAmountForOwner(
    address _owner,
    bytes32[] calldata _merkleProof
) public view returns (uint256)
  • Get the maximum mint amount for the given owner, in the current mint stage.
  • _owner: The owners address.
  • _merkleProof: The merkle proof to prove position in merkle tree.
  • Returns the amount an owner can mint in the current mint stage.
function mintPriceForAmount(
    address _owner,
    uint256 _amount,
    bytes32[] calldata _merkleProof
) public view returns (uint256)
  • Get the mint price for the given owner and amount, in the current mint stage.
  • _owner: The owners address.
  • _amount: The amount to calculate price on. Needs to be within allowed amount.
  • _merkleProof: The merkle proof to prove position in merkle tree.
  • Returns the mint price for the given owner and amount.
function mint(uint256 _amount, bytes32[] calldata _merkleProof) public payable
  • Mint the given amount to the callers wallet.
  • _amount: The amount to mint.
  • _merkleProof: The merkle proof to prove position in merkle tree.


pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import "@wraith-works/contracts/tokens/ERC721/MintableERC721.sol";

contract MyMintableERC721 is MintableERC721 {
        uint256 _maxSupply
        addMintStage(0, 2, 2, 0x0); // Whitelist
        addMintStage(15 * 10**18, 1, 1, 0x0); // Allowlist
        addMintStage(25 * 10**18, 1, 1, 0x0); // Public